Player Assessments 2024

Player assessments for the 2024 season will be held February 26, March 2-3. 

Assessments are held for players in the Majors, Minors and Rookies divisions in order to draft balanced and safe teams. Please note that BlastBall and T-Ball players do not participate in assessments and these teams are formed closer to opening day in April.

Please sign up each player for one spot for Monday, Saturday or Sunday:

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp

Assessments will be held at Travail Development at 2696 Nootka Street, Vancouver. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to assigned start time and sign in with the volunteer at the SVLL table. Assessments will last for 15 minutes in groups of 4 players at a time. Please bring your glove, bat, and helmet. League equipment can also be borrowed upon request.

Last minute registrations before assessments can be made online on the Register page.